E-Training Programs


We combine our skills, knowledge and experience in workplace safety with our training development and delivery skills to develop e-training programs.

Our experience includes designing the e-learning materials, testing, information gathering and designing the system outputs to provide your organization and users with the information they need to determine success, assess use, who’s using the system, determine if adjustments are needed, etc.

Our work includes developing and launching broad-scale e-training programs including:

  • Worksmart Campus - Canada's only e-based workplace health and safety leadership program aimed at college and university business, engineering and cooperative education students.

  • Passport to Health - health assessment program for after school programs.

  • Sue was also a major contributor to the content, developing reports and marketing of the national Passport to Safety test for teens, version for workplace leaders and the supervisor assessment.

What we can do for you…

We can assess your needs and work with your IT vendor to develop appropriate content, assessment tools and output reporting for analysis and evaluation.