Sue has over 30 years experience in occupational health and safety with the Ontario Ministry of Labour as a safety inspector, manager, trainer, industrial health and safety specialist. She has developed policies and procedures, industrial standards, and has extensive experience working with corporations, employers and unions.
What we can do for you...
Sue Boychuk Leadership Canada can help large corporations or organizations with coordination, compliance and other systemic matters identify key issues and develop a comprehensive health and safety strategy.
Depending on your needs we can:
Audit your current program to determine systemic issues that may be contributing to poor safety records.
Identify safety hazards that may result in costly injuries.
Find potential hot spots such as:
Are the safety procedures you’ve put in place being followed?
Have you considered your responsibilities for contractors working in your workplace?
Is your commitment to health and safety aligned with your commitments to quality, productivity and sustainability?
Work with your corporate team and workplace leaders to create new policies, procedures or programs or revitalize your current standards.
Ensure workplace parties understand their legislated roles and responsibilities.
Create a holistic plan for your workplace: including the health and safety of workers, management, visitors and contractors.
Support implementation.